Balance, Symmetry, the forgotten pics topped off with a challenge


I had all sorts of ideas for CCoH monthly critique theme of balance and symmetry for April. I was going to do a thumbprint. I talked to my best friend about asking her teenage twins if they’d let me photograph them which is totally outside my area. I had it in mind when I went with a friend to shoot at Biltmore. I took one of Tyler with his “broken leg” pose,  a set up a marble shot, then I let the deadline go by without entering anything.

I didn’t want to go see what new naming rules the club made and change my Lightroom export profile settings. I didn’t really want the pictures of Tyler critiqued because I just couldn’t take the critiquer saying anything negative about my boy right now – no matter how constructive. Plus I just didn’t really want to share something so personal and close to my heart just yet even if I originally shot some for this theme.

Before we lost Trinity I’d run a Viewbug contest on this same theme subject, in fact, the day she passed I was at a photographer mentor’s studio getting another set of eyes and info looking over the finalist (Thank you Jeff). I think that is part of the reason I haven’t wanted to pick up my camera. If I’d just went to check on my mom’s health crisis that day and back home I might’ve spent time with Trinity, or at least have been there so she didn’t die alone. About the only comfort I have in that is that she looked so peaceful and her lost moments were not spent with me in a panic rushing her to the vet. The loss completely drained any desire to photography anything even if I hadn’t had my shoulder surgery.

Below are some more I had keyworded for symmetry. I didn’t even look through all my architecture and flower shots.

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In hearing the critiquer talk about other members “attempts” at symmetry I was a little confused because the theme was Balance/Symmetry.  Reading the definition I had posted on my Viewbug contest, I did not take symmetry to mean just an identical mirror image. Also on his presentation about it earlier he talked about balance in light, visual weight, interest in composition, and color too.

Balance: an even distribution of weight, a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. 
Symmetry: the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis. balanced proportions, correct or pleasing proportion of the parts of a thing. the property of being symmetrical; especially: correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or median plane or about a center or axis. Similarity or exact correspondence between different things.

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Since we lost Trinity so unexpectedly, I’d been going thru photos of her trying to find one to use for her metal silhouette. I decided to have one made of Tyler ahead of time at the same time, but all of his bunny boy belly up poses were not taken at the correct angle. That motivated me to pick up my camera and started shooting again for myself. At church I got thinking about having  “faith of a mustard seed” and thought I’d take a photo of that for my scripture photos. Since my arm isn’t really cooperating yet I used the app on my phone for the first time to fire my camera with my left hand while I held the seed with my bad/recovering arm.

This last slideshow are some more photos I shot with my friend June, that I pretty much forgot were sitting untouched on my computer and some I’d already edited and forgot to share from earlier in the year. I loved the video from inside the bamboo patch but had to edit the sound some to mute our talking.

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and a new Viewbug contest “That ain’t right”

the UnStrawberry.jpg

A purple strawberry, an apple with an orange skin, grass that’s not green…
Any of my photo friends on Viewbug? Enter my new challenge “that ain’t right” and even if you don’t enter connect with me on there so I can look at your pics. I’m on 500px and Flickr too.

2 thoughts on “Balance, Symmetry, the forgotten pics topped off with a challenge

  1. authorbillramsey

    Kim, Your photos and comments provide a powerful and fresh example of symmetry. I am not a photographer but I am a writer. I see the value of symmetry in writing where I try to see both sides of my subjects.
    Your work is absolutely tops!


  2. KiM Post author

    Thank you for the compliment on my photography and an eye-opening thought as I’ve never thought about symmetry in writing.



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